
Long-Lasting Roofing

Metal roofing is not the most popular of our roofing services, but it is becoming one of the most popular segments in the roofing industry. This is because the benefits offered by our metal roofs allow you, the homeowner, for extremely long lasting protection from the elements. Within the roofing industry, metal roofing offers unique value while staying high quality. Metal has been a great choice for keeping homes and business safe and dry. If you’re interested in metal roof installation or repair, our crew in the North Shore that has a combined 85 years of experience will gladly help!

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Metal is one of the sturdiest options for keeping homes and businesses safe and dry. If you’re interested in metal roof installation or repair, our experienced and reliable roofing company can help.

  • Energy saving
  • Strong and durable
  • Long-lasting — 50+ year warranty
  • Recyclable
  • Affordable
  • Customizable — many styles and colors to choose from
  • Easy to repair

Metal Roof Benefits

Metal roofs come with more benefits than a lot of other roofing systems. These benefits include:

Extremely Strong and Durable

We install our roofs with metals like aluminum, steel, and other metals. Metal roofs also handle extreme weather very well. It is said that metal roofs can withstand gusts up to 140 mph. That’s crucial in the North Shore!

Sustainable and Recyclable

Made from quality metal that is up to 95% recycled, the majority of which is usually post-consumer. After it’s used, it is 100% recyclable which is a nice alternative to landfill disposal like other roofs.

Exceptionally Long Lasting

Metal roofs last from 40-70 years depending on the material. This type of roofing is the longest-lasting out of any other roofing system.

Fire Resistance

Metal roofs provide continuous protection against sparks and embers, protecting from exterior fires. It is a Class A fire-resistant roof, which is the best it can get.

Helps Energy Proficiency

Metal roofs have a protective coating and an integrated thermal break that reduces summer cooling costs up to 20% and keeps your house heated during brutal North Shore winters.

Diverse Styles and Colors

Our metal roofs come with many styles and colors that will fit your house or business beautifully. Additionally, metal roofs keep that “new” look exceptionally longer than other roofs.

Low Weight to Help Structural Integrity and Lifespan

Compared to our other roofing systems, metal roofs are the lowest weight residential roofs available. Low weight roofs also help to guard against structural movement and damage.

Try Our Metal Roofs!

The benefits of our metal roofs are bountiful and worthy of a discussion. So don’t wait! Contact us today to schedule a free consultation!





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